With a plethora of options in every imaginable shape, texture, shade, and finish, wallpaper has made a big comeback in home makeover projects. From accentuating a partial wall, to creating unique styles and designs, wallpaper offers the versatility and cost-effectiveness where traditional paint jobs sometimes fall short.
However, wallpaper installation or removal is not a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project that you can undertake by watching a few online videos and tutorials. While it may appear easy enough, the trick or technique that may have worked in the video or someone else’s home, may end up being a complete disaster in yours. Not only does the age of the old wallpaper matter, but also its type such as glossy, metallic, fabric, vinyl or traditional. Moreover, if the earlier homeowners have added one wallpaper on top of another, or painted on top of an old one, the removal process may be more complicated than you imagined.
For a clean job and a professional finish, bring in the wallpaper installation and removal experts and let your home improvement project sit in safe hands.
Here are some of the advantages of hiring our services:
- Expertise: Our skilled technicians are knowledgeable about the different types of wallpapers and the various techniques used for their effective removal.
- Quality Finish: We have the necessary skills, experience and tools to ensure that the removal of your old wallpaper is non-messy and keeps your original walls intact. Our crew is adept at installing new wallpaper with a high-quality finish; which means you will see clean lines and no bubbles, rips or wrinkles.
- Quick and Efficient Execution: We use the right quality and quantity of adhesives, properly match and level the wallpaper, do a thorough post-job cleanup, and will be in and out of your home in no time!
Hire Mastercraft Painting and Finishes to beautify your home or office and get amazing results for wallpaper removal and installation. Call us at 267-496-5307 or contact us online.